Kiff - Thick Stuff

Kiff - Jnt - Thick Stuff - Liquid - Box (4x5ltr)

Thick Stuff

🌊🛡️ ThickStuff: The Ultimate Clean & Disinfect Maestro! 🛡️🌊

Step into a world of unyielding cleanliness and protection with ThickStuff – the quintessential all-rounder for your toilets, showers, drains, sinks, and beyond! A titan against germs and grime, ThickStuff ensures every corner of your domain is pristine and safe.

🚿 Immaculate Cleanliness: Armed with a robust formula, ThickStuff effortlessly sweeps through toilets, showers, drains, and sinks. Witness as it banishes dirt and grime, unveiling surfaces that gleam with impeccable cleanliness.

🔬 Formidable Germ Slayer: ThickStuff shows no mercy to germs! Wield this powerful disinfectant to obliterate all known germs in kitchens, cloakrooms, restrooms, and alike. Your spaces are not just clean – they're hygienically fortified.

🌿 Conqueror of Mildew: The days of mildew reigning in your bathrooms and showers are over! ThickStuff rises to the challenge, casting away the unsightly mildew and reclaiming the purity of your space.

🛡️ Holistic Sanctuary: With ThickStuff, you're not just cleaning - you're creating sanctuaries. This formidable cleaner and disinfectant imparts an aura of cleanliness and safety to your spaces, transforming them into havens of health and well-being.

💧 Thick and Thorough: As the name suggests, ThickStuff's potent consistency ensures it clings to surfaces for maximum effect. Its adherence guarantees a deep and thorough clean, leaving no stone unturned.

Emerge victorious in the battle against dirt, germs, and mildew with ThickStuff – where every drop is a promise of purity and protection! 🌟🌊 #ThickStuffCleanse #GuardianOfCleanliness
Use as-is or diluted on surfaces. Pour down plugholes and drains on a regular basis to prevent blockages and build-up of residue in pipes

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